Meaning of (उच्चारण करना) uchcharan karna in english
As noun : read Ex:  The starred lessons are to be read carefully.
voice Ex:  His voice began to change when he was 1.years old sound Ex:  The theater has quadrophonic sound effects.
As verb : enunciate Ex:  I will enunciate it to you one more time, slowly . pronounce Ex:  One wanted to pronounce the word ar-kan-sas and the other wanted ar-kan-saw. vocalize Ex:  Action Music vocalize
Other : to enunciate enounce to utter to pronounce Ex:  "www" is the longest possible three-letter acronym to pronounce speak Ex:  She is finds it diificult to speak because of the adenoid. utter Ex:  He said, figuratively and familiarly, the utter ruin of a merchant, a banker, etc articulate Ex:  Young Rockefeller's contemporaries described him as articulate
Suggested : the sound or sounds uttered through the mouth of living creatures, especially of human beings in speaking, shouting, singing, etc to make vocal utter articulate sing to enunciate or articulate (sounds, words, sentences , etc) to utter or pronounce (words, sentences , etc), especially in an articulate or a particular manner to look at carefully so as to understand the meaning of (something written, printed, etc)
Exampleउच्चारण करना का हिन्दी मे अर्थ
Word of the day
Usage of उच्चारण करना:
1. केंद्र सरकार ने मंगलवार को स्पष्ट किया कि 21 जून को अंतरराष्ट्रीय योग दिवस पर योगाभ्यास के पहले ओम या वैदिक मंत्रों का उच्चारण करना अनिवार्य नहीं हैlivehindustan.com2. 'योग दिवस पर ओम या वैदिक मंत्रों का उच्चारण करना अनिवार्य नहीं'
(उच्चारण करना) uchcharan karna
can be used as noun or verb and have more than one meaning. No of characters: 12 including vowels consonants matras.
Transliteration :
uchchaaraNa karanaa